What Planned Parenthood Doesn’t Want You to Know

Most American Christians know that Planned Parenthood pours a great deal of money into lobbying for the removal of legislation on abortion. They proudly admit that they offer birth control to minors without parental knowledge. Planned Parenthood wants the American public to believe that they are a community service organization, helping poor and oppressed women and children. If you go to their website you’ll see a building that resembles your local public library.

Planned Parenthood doesn’t want you to know about their shameful past. Founded in 1916 by eugenicist Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood originally existed under the name The American Birth Control League. It is well-documented that Sanger’s goal was to create a “race of thoroughbreds.” She wrote about her goal to eliminate what she called “reckless breeders” by placing contraception in the hands of society’s “undesirables” in her book Pivot of Civilization. To Sanger, these meant the poor, the feeble minded, the deaf, immigrants and African-Americans.

Her publication Birth Control Review often carried articles written by Nazi officials, and the link between her goals and the Nazi extermination of “undesirables” is obvious. The ABCL changed their name to Planned Parenthood after World War II in order to distance themselves from this association. A rose is a rose by any other name…and so is a blight.

Planned Parenthood continues in its racist traditions today by placing 78% of their clinics in black or Hispanic neighborhoods. Statistics show that an African-American baby is three times more likely to be aborted than a Caucasian one. In the past 35 years, abortion has claimed more than two-and-a-half times as many black lives as the next 5 leading causes of death. Thanks to a recent Executive Order, our country (through our tax dollars) will soon begin funding abortion in a host of other countries, primarily in the Third World. Planned Parenthood is pleased, as I’m sure their founder would have been.

For more information on the link between abortion, eugenics and race, read John Piper’s When is Abortion Racism?

Or Abortion and Race at Abort 73, or watch this video about Margaret Sanger.

“More children from the fit, less from the unfit — that is the chief aim of birth control.” (Birth Control Review, May 1919, p. 12).

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