Half Way Grown

We have a tradition in our home. When each of our sons turns 9 years old he knows that sometime that year he will receive his very own sword during a ceremony in which we celebrate that he is half way grown.

During the ceremony dad reads a charge to the celebrated boy, praising him for qualities of excellence we see in his character and challenging him to continue growing in godly manhood. Dad also chooses a scripture verse to share which he feels exemplifies important points about that boy’s character.


We purchase these beautiful swords from Vision Forum. We prefer the William Wallace sword, as there is plenty of room on the blade for engraving. Before presenting the sword to our son, we have the reference to the chosen scripture verse engraved on the blade along with a Latin phrase which encapsulates something we appreciate about that particular boy….for example, “honor” or “strength”.

After reading the charge, dad has the boy kneel down and he “knights” him with the sword on each shoulder. Then it is the rest of the family’s turn to each share something they appreciate about this special boy.

After the ceremony dad mounts the sword on the wall in the boys’ bedroom as a reminder of those things which we appreciate about him, as well as an ongoing challenge to conduct himself as one who is now half way grown, and well on his way to manhood.

This post is linked to Visionary Womanhood.


  1. Molly,
    What an awesome idea! My ds just turned 13 and I have been wanting to do something significant and memorable to commemorate it. I might have to use this idea.


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